Become a Medical & Billing Professional in Under 2 Months

As you are considering a career in Electronic Medical Billing and Coding (EMBC), you will likely face a decision regarding the type of education that you will need in order to secure your first job.

Choosing the Right Education Program for Your Needs

You have done your research, and you have probably encountered more than a few schools that offer Healthcare career education. Each school and each program may have its own strengths and advantages. So how do you evaluate the right program for you?

The answer is deceptively simple. You have to choose a program that best fits into your unique career plan, as well as your unique personal, and professional situation.

There are two types of educational programs that you will encounter in your research and that we will define for the purposes of this article as All-Inclusive Curricula versus Skills-Oriented Curricula.

Here is a quick comparison of the two types of programs side-by-side:

 As you can see, the two types of programs are remarkably different in the span of topics covered, the amount of time that it takes to graduate, and the cost associated with each program. However, both programs prepare the student for the same type of national certification and qualify the student for entry-level medical billing and coding positions.

It is important to note that both types of programs can offer high quality education and can prepare you for a bright future. While All-Inclusive Curricula programs include more topics, take longer to complete, and qualify for Title IV federal funding, at ICC, we believe in the Skills-Oriented approach that offers the precise skills that you require for your chosen career. Many of our students either do not want to (or simply cannot) take 6-9 months out of their life to prepare for a new career. Hence, we design our NY State Licensed courses to fit the exact requirements that will prepare our graduates for their future.

The argument for a Skills-Oriented education is simple: you can get nationally certified and land your first job much faster.

These are the questions that we encourage you to consider as you think about your Healthcare career education:

1.      What is your ideal job opportunity after your graduate?

2.      How quickly do you want to obtain your certification and be in the position to apply for a new job?

3.      Do you have prior education, or working experience, in healthcare?

4.      What knowledge and skills do you need in order to obtain your desired job?

5.      What school offers the best setting for you, as a student?

6.      Do you prefer a larger class, or a class with a smaller student-to-teacher ratio?

7.      What kind of job placement support will you require after graduation?

8.      After you graduate, and obtain your EMBC certification, do you want a school that will offer you the flexibility to build your skills and add new certifications as you advance your career overtime?

Contact Us

Visit us at 17 Battery Place, Suite 636, New York, NY or call us at 212.335.0711 to learn more about our school, Institute of Career Continuity. Your success is the only thing that matters to us!

About Us

We are a women-owned business, and as most founders, we are inspired by our unique backgrounds and experiences. Our President spent most of her career in medicine and our Head of Academics’ is a 35+ year veteran of higher education academic administration with advanced degrees from Columbia University and 20 years of deanship experience.

We wholeheartedly believe that with our unique approach to career planning, education, and job placement support, we can make a real and lasting difference in your life.

We have developed over 20 NY licensed programs that provide students with nationally certified credentials in clinical and administrative medical professions.

Call us today! We would love an opportunity to introduce ourselves and to help make an informed decision about your future!

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